Muhammad 10th popular name for baby boys in England, Wales

Muhammad has become one of the most used named for new born babies in the UK, a new report shows.
Muhammad has become one of the most used named for new born babies in the UK, a new report shows.
The newest report by the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) published over the weekend showed that Muhammad had become the 10th most popular word for baby boys in capital London and a number of other major cities last year.
This indicates a huge rise in popularity since 2007, when it ranked only 38 on the list. The name was given to around 3,700 babies last year compared to just a little over 1,800 a decade before.
It must be noted that, when combined with its other spellings, such as Mohammad, Muhammed and Mohammed, the name of Islam’s prophet, peace be upon him and his pure progeny, becomes the single most used name for new born boys in the UK.