Grand Ayatollah Shirazi representative calls on Indian authorities to secure safe drinking water at train stations

The representative of the religious authority Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadeq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, Hujatul Islam Sayyid Abbas Naqvi called on the Indian authorities to provide drinking water coolers at the train stations.
The representative of the religious authority Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadeq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, Hujatul Islam Sayyid Abbas Naqvi called on the Indian authorities to provide drinking water coolers at the train stations.
Sayyid Abbas Naqvi said that “If the Indian authorities could not provide safe drinking water coolers at the train stations, we, in the name of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, will supply these coolers after obtaining approval from the local authorities, adding thart the request has been sent to high authorities in the country.”
It is worth mentioning that the well-known Indian newspapers have covered the news of the requesting process of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi representative, and it is waiting for response by the local authorities.