Quran, Islam forbid anything extreme, British judge says

A British judge has invoked Islamic theology in the sentencing of a teenager convicted of carrying out an attack on a tube train in central London.
A British judge has invoked Islamic theology in the sentencing of a teenager convicted of carrying out an attack on a tube train in central London.
Ahmed Hassan was sentenced to a minimum of 34 years in prison on Friday for the attack at Parsons Green station in September last year.
“You will have plenty of time to study the Quran in prison in the years to come,” Justice Haddon-Cave said in his closing remarks at Hassan’s trial, Al Jazeera reported.
He added: “The Quran and Islam forbid anything extreme, including extremism in religion. Islam forbids breaking the ‘law of the land’ where one is living or is a guest. Islam forbids terrorism. The Quran and the Sunna provide that the crime of perpetrating terror to ’cause corruption in the land’ is one of the most severe crimes in Islam … so it is in the law of the United Kingdom.”