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SRW expresses it’s concerns over systematic decline in the coverage of Shiite news around the world

Shia Rights Watch International Organization affiliated to Imam al-Shirazi World Foundation in Washington, annonced on its official website on the World Wide Web,  it’s concerns over the systimatic decline in of Shia news covarage around the world.


Shia Rights Watch International Organization affiliated to Imam al-Shirazi World Foundation in Washington, annonced on its official website on the World Wide Web,  it’s concerns over the systimatic decline in of Shia news covarage around the world.

According to the latest analysis of the organization last month, there has been a decline in the news coverage of Shia communities, and due to the lack of security and safety of the Shia activists, this decrease imposes an insufficient access to information and figures on the Shia rights violations around the world.

The sudden decline in the Shiite community’s news and the ineffectiveness of media coverage of acts of violence against Shiites are systematic and deliberate racial discrimination that serves attempts to distract public opinion from anti-Shiite practices around the world, the rights organization said.

the organization added that “according to the evidences in its November report, a growing number of arrests and violations of Shia rights in the Gulf States, Iraq, Nigeria, Algeria, Pakistan, India, Syria and Egypt have been monitored and enumerated adding that, the oraganization sees and witnesses the intent of grand international news agencies, and Arab news agencies in particular in preventing the publication of the News of violations aganist the Shias in the world.


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