New York ad campaign aims to fight anti-Muslim violence

Following bombings in New York and New Jersey by Ahmad Khan Rahami, New York City has launched a social media ad campaign to combat anti-Muslim rhetoric, reminding residents that not all followers of the faith condone terrorism.
Following bombings in New York and New Jersey by Ahmad Khan Rahami, New York City has launched a social media ad campaign to combat anti-Muslim rhetoric, reminding residents that not all followers of the faith condone terrorism.
Produced by the New York City Commission on Human Rights, the campaign is intended to counteract negative depictions of Islam, by featuring an array of photos of Muslims from around the city.
“I am Muslim. I am NYC,” the campaign’s slogan states. They will also be using the hashtag #IamMuslimNYC.
As terrorism has been on the rise in Europe and the United States, so has Islamophobia.