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Muslim clerics in Kenya want Eid al-Adha to be an official holiday

Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (Supkem) national chairperson Prof Abulghafur El-Busaidy led other leaders in calling on the government to incorporate Eid al-Adha and Eid-ul Fitr events as public holidays.



Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (Supkem) national chairperson Prof Abulghafur El-Busaidy led other leaders in calling on the government to incorporate Eid al-Adha and Eid-ul Fitr events as public holidays.

“This is a very special and blessing event from Allah,” El-Busaidy said at the Ronald Ngala Primary School grounds in Mombasa.

Sheikh Jamaldun Osman Hajj led a special prayer and delivered a sermon with a message to Muslims to contribute towards making Kenya a peaceful nation.


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