Minnesota church opens doors for Muslim community

After an Islamic center burned down in 2013 in one of the largest fires in Winona, the city’s First Congregational Church opened its doors to the Center for prayer services.
After an Islamic center burned down in 2013 in one of the largest fires in Winona, the city’s First Congregational Church opened its doors to the Center for prayer services.
Members of the Islamic center say they were shocked when they first learned about the fire.
“It was really sad to see a beautiful building, so nice, that was all ruined,” said Hamid Quraishi, a religious affairs director with the center.
A dinner, which will be held at the church’s Winona location, aims to raise money for renovations for a new building. Previous fundraisers were not enough to cover renovation costs and the Islamic center hopes it will raise enough money for the new place it will call home.