Islamophobia in England: Racist attack on Muslim families in Birmingham

Relatives of a Muslim man murdered by a racist said they have been recent victims of race hate abuse.
Relatives of a Muslim man murdered by a racist said they have been recent victims of race hate abuse.
Mohammed Saleem, 82, was stabbed on his way home from a Birmingham mosque in 2013. Ukrainian PavloLapshyn admitted killing him because he was not white.
The victim’s daughter, Maz Saleem, said she and her mother were both recently racially abused and her nieces, aged 11 and 13, were insulted and spat at.
Saleem added, “I felt extremely disappointed that someone who doesn’t know the person is judging them for the way they look, just because they look Muslim,” she said.
The incident was reported to Greater Manchester Police, but Saleem said no further action was taken because they could not trace the number plate of the vehicle.
Ukrainian student Lapshyn was sentenced to a minimum of 40 years for murder and terrorism related offences.