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The ugly face of British Ethnocentrism and sectarian bias

In yet another self-professed attempt to combat radicalization, and foster multi-culturalism in Britain, yet another survey on British Muslims’ attitude was published by Channel 4. 



In yet another self-professed attempt to combat radicalization, and foster multi-culturalism in Britain, yet another survey on British Muslims’ attitude was published by Channel 4. 


Attitudes towards what exactly no one seems to really know, all we are being told though is that Muslims are inherently and absolutely incompatible with the West, because their values stand in negation of that of Western society.

PM David Cameron implied it when he alluded to Muslim women’s “submissiveness”, former PM Tony Blair further highlighted it when he claimed that Islam and the West simply cannot occupy the same space, and now Trevor Phillips, the former head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission and arch-advocate of multiculturalism just announced that Muslims are but a nefarious influence which needs eradicating!

“British Muslims are becoming a nation within a nation, warned Phillips, before he added: we are “in danger of sacrificing a generation of young British people to values that are antithetical to the beliefs of most of us, including many Muslims”.

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