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St. Louis Muslims offer peace through pastries at Trump rally

Surely some of those standing for hours would be hungry, and Faizan Syed, was hungry for some conversation with them


The lines to see Donald Trump began forming before daybreak. Surely some of those standing for hours would be hungry, and Faizan Syed, was hungry for some conversation with them.

“The best way to do that is to go out there, meet people as they’re waiting in line, and give them donuts,” Syed says he was thinking, “so that way they can meet an actual Muslim that lives in their community, and really break down some of the barriers that exist,” he says.

Syed is executive director of the St. Louis chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

They made sure to steer clear of protesters, so people would be more open to interacting with them, and Syed says in all, they talked with more than 1,000 people.

“When you want to change the hearts of people, you really have to think of the long-term,” he says. “At least, this is one small step in order to perhaps change many of Trump supporters to be more positive and to be more open-minded, as well.”

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