
Now read Quran on woodless paper

unique copy of the Holy Quran made with stone paper at the Middle East exhibition


The UK company is displaying a unique copy of the Holy Quran made with stone paper at the Middle East exhibition, a revolutionary product that is fully recyclable, waterproof, tear and stain resistant and totally wood-free.

In addition to cutting trees, pulp paper production requires huge amounts of water and chemicals; thus not only destroying trees, but also causing serious water and air pollution. Parax Stone Paper is a sustainable, environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional pulp paper.

Harvey janogly, director of Parax, said: “At the end of the day, what we want to do to revolutionize the way we use paper. Despite the digital revolution, the use of paper has increased incredibly – we use a third more paper than we did in the 1980s. Our vision is to take a product and make it eco-sustainable, so that we save our trees, our water, and we use less energy, while meeting the needs that people have to live in a modern society.

Djanogly added: “We know that there has been a tremendous move towards being environmentally friendly in Dubai and that they are pushing the sustainability message from the top, right down to the bottom across all the sectors, so we think that this product is destined to have a warm reception.”

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