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Cambridge to build Europe’s first eco-mosque

Cambridge will soon include a mosque amidst its stunning skyline of spires


The historic city of Cambridge will soon include a mosque amidst its stunning skyline of spires. The mosque itself will be the first-purpose built mosque in the city which also happens to be environmentally-friendly.

By the summer of 2008, a group of Muslim community decided to purchase a strip of land and an old warehouse. Rather than build a mosque, it was decided from the very start that the mosque would follow environmental sustainability principles.

The mosque is designed by the award-winning architect Marks Barfield who was also behind stunning projects such as the London Eye and Kew Treetop Walkway. The £13 million project building can accommodate up to 1,000 men and women. Along with its special design, it  will also include a cafe, a teaching area and meeting rooms for use by the local Muslim and non-Muslim communities.

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