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New blood test may identify children at risk for diabetes, heart diseases

Scientists at King’s College London have developed a new blood test that could help detect children at risk of serious health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, liver, and heart disease, The Guardian reported.

The test analyzes lipids, which are linked to metabolic diseases in children, and could serve as an early warning system for life-threatening illnesses. It uses existing hospital technology to examine blood plasma in babies, allowing doctors to spot early signs of disease and offer quicker treatment.

The study, published in Nature Medicine, found that certain lipid molecules contribute to health issues like high blood pressure, beyond a child’s weight. Researchers used mass spectrometry to identify thousands of lipid types, each with unique functions.

In a study of 1,300 children with obesity, a year-long lifestyle intervention lowered lipids linked to diabetes risk, even without significant changes in BMI. The researchers said that their next goal is to understand the genetic influence on lipids and how modifying them can improve health outcomes.

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