Ayatollah Shirazi urges governments of Islamic countries to make Ashura an official holiday

The Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, urged governments in Islamic countries to make Ashura of Imam al-Hussein (peace be upon him) an official holiday, to commemorate this great tragedy and to remind the world of the eternal Husseini Cause and its humanitarian principles.
His Eminence said in his address to the mourners with the end of the months of sorrow: “It is truly unfortunate that Ashura is being neglected and not given the great importance it deserves to revive the principles of the Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him) and to inform the world of his great sacrifices.”
The Grand Ayatollah also indicated that “the sacred months of Muharram and Safar have ended, but Shiism does not end, as well as the great Ashura and the immortal Husseini thought.”
His Eminence pointed out that “all believers, especially those who are loyal to the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), must revive the teachings, principles and culture of Shi’ism, through the establishment of Hussainiya councils, the revival of sacred rites and everything related to the Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him).”