
Devotees of Aba Abdullah al-Hussein from Kuwait commence their Arbaeen Walk

Local sources from Kuwait reported that thousands of Kuwait-residing Shiites, infatuated with the love of the Master and Leader of martyrs Aba Abdillah al-Hussein, peace be upon him, have fully resolved to participate in the Husseini Arbaeen ceremony in sync with millions of Shiites from other parts of the world to mark yet another magnificent Shia assembly in Holy Karbala this year.

Accordingly, the Kuwaiti Shiites have crossed the Abdali desert on foot and entered the southern regions of Iraq.

It should be noted that every moment the number of devotees of the Pure immaculate Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) from Kuwait who intend to embark on this Husseini Journey of Devotion is increasing, and they are moving towards Najaf al-Ashraf, to then continue walking to the holy city of Karbala.

It is worth mentioning that these Shiites, after traveling the distance of Iraq’s Basra province, pass through a number of southern provinces and cities of this country to reach the sacred shrines.

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