
As Part of al-Rasul al-A’zam Project, Imam Hussein Shrine Prepares New Space for Pilgrim Accommodation and Rest

In preparation for the Arbaeen pilgrimage, Imam Hussein Shrine has announced the opening of a new area measuring 6,000 square meters as part of the al-Rasul al-A’zam Project. The maintenance department reported that this space is designated for the accommodation and rest of visitors.

Engineer Abdul Hassan Mohammed, head of the department, stated that the engineering teams have made exceptional efforts to prepare this area located on Al-Shuhada Street. The ground has been leveled and covered with gravel, then finished with concrete to create a spacious environment for pilgrims.

The new area will feature a shaded pavilion for visitor rest and will be equipped with cold water systems and connections for cooling units. All necessary infrastructure has been completed by the technical teams to ensure a comfortable experience for the attendees during the significant event.

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