Holy Arbaeen Walk begins from farthest point in south of Iraq earlier than in previous years

The Holy Husseini Arbaeen Walk started on Saturday from Ra’s Al-Bisheh region, fifteen days earlier this year compared to previous years.
On the third commemorative day of the martyrdom of Imam al-Hussain, the Arbaeen pilgrims started their journey to the holy city of Karbala from the southernmost point of Iraq known as Ra’s al-Bisheh in Faw region of Basra province of Iraq.
It should be mentioned that the security forces have made extensive plans to secure the Arbaeen Walk along all the roads leading to the holy city of Karbala.
Also, Husseini Mawakib are set up along the entire route to serve Arbaeen pilgrims on various roads and routes from various cities in the country.
The distance of the journey is 500 km. It is expected that, with the early onset of heat and high temperatures, the pilgrims will need more rest and longer stops during the journey.