Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Al-Haeri announces that he will not continue to address the responsibility of a religious authority

The religious authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Kadhim Al-Haeri, announced that he would not continue to address the responsibility of a religious authority, due to aging and diseases.
His Eminence stated in a statement published by his office, “It is clear that one of the necessities of carrying out this great responsibility is physical health and the ability to follow the affairs of the nation, but today, as my health and physical strength are deteriorating due to illness and old age, I feel that it prevents me from performing the duties entrusted to me in a perfected manner. Therefore, I declare to not continue to address this heavy and great responsibility, to close all representative offices and drop permissions issued by us or by our offices, and I call on everyone not to receive any sums or authorizations by our representatives as of the date of this announcement.”