Inscription of world’s largest Quran completed

Writing the world’s largest copy of the Holy Quran has been completed in the holy city of Mashhad, Northeast Iran
Writing the world’s largest copy of the Holy Quran has been completed in the holy city of Mashhad, Northeast Iran.
It has been scribed by Iranian master Ali Akbar Ghouchani and illuminated by his students.
The huge copy, which contains 650 pages, weighs 3500 kilograms and measures 2.5 by 1.75 meters.
Master Ghouchani said each page of this copy, like other typical copies of the Holy Book, has 15 lines, adding that the first and last two lines as well as the middle line are in Sols script and the rest are in Naskh.
He also noted that each Surah begins with a different calligraphic form of Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim that is, the handwritten copy features 114 calligraphic forms of Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim.
It took Master Ghouchani and his assistants some 7 years to complete the work of art.