Saudi Arabia apologizes for the distortions in the Hebrew Quran translation

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia apologized for the errors mentioned in the Hebrew version of the Quran.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia apologized for the errors mentioned in the Hebrew version of the Quran.
The apology came in a tweet on the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Noble Qur’an twitter account.
The complex is awaiting the appropriate procedure by the administration after verifying the existence of many errors and distortions despite the review that was done.
The tweet was in response to one of the people who commented to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs in Saudi Arabia on a tweet they posted on Twitter to download the Quran and its meanings with various translations, including a “version in Hebrew” which is a distorted and is in harmony with the Israeli policy.
Saudi Arabia had published a distorted copy of the Holy Quran, containing more than 300 errors. The version triggered widespread anger on social media.