AISPLB holds its annual general meeting

The All India Shia Personal Law Board (AISPLB), which represents the rights of Shia in India, held its annual general meeting on December 8 in which issues like mob lynching and
The All India Shia Personal Law Board (AISPLB), which represents the rights of Shia in India, held its annual general meeting on December 8 in which issues like mob lynching and National Registration of Citizenship (NRC) were discussed.
President of the AISPLB Maulana Syed Saim Mehndi said that, “There are many important issues that are staring at the country. This includes NRC and we will decide what stand the AISMPLB should take on this contentious issue. Similarly killing people on the name of religion needs to be looked into through the prism of justice and Indian constitution,” Maulana Mehndi said at the press conference. He added there are many other issues which need to be discussed like reservation of Shia Muslims on the name of economic backwardness and why the representation of Shias is on the decline in Parliament and State assembly.
“On the social issue, ways and means to reduce expenditure on marriages was discussed as well as improvement in education,” he said.
Top intellectuals from Shia community took part in the meeting.
All India Shia Personal Law Board (AISPLB) is an organisation formed in January 2005 to represent the rights of Shia in India.