Egyptian teacher translates Quran into sign language

An Egyptian teacher and entrepreneur has translated the Quran into Arabic sign language to help the hearing-impaired.
An Egyptian teacher and entrepreneur has translated the Quran into Arabic sign language to help the hearing-impaired.
According to al-Watan daily, his translation has been presented in 1300 pages.
Three years ago, Sabri conducted a research that revealed 95 percent of the hearing -impaired in Egypt belong to the poorer sections of the society.
That made him think about how he can help these people learn the Quran and religious teachings.
The 49-year-old then started translating the Quran in coordination with the Arab Union of Hearing-Impaired.
He first distributed a translation of a small part of the Quran in sign language to several schools and after receiving positive feedback continued his work until rendering the entire Quran.
Sign languages are languages that use the visual-manual modality to convey meaning.
Language is expressed via the manual signstream in combination with non-manual elements. Sign languages are full-fledged natural languages with their own grammar and lexicon.