Saudi forces commit genocide against Uzlat ul-Sarari village in Yemen

A Yemeni source told that the Saudi mercenary forces are committing a genocide against the armless people of Uzlat ul-Sarari village of Yemen, calling to send urgent aids to rescue the civilians.
A Yemeni source told that the Saudi mercenary forces are committing a genocide against the armless people of Uzlat ul-Sarari village of Yemen, calling to send urgent aids to rescue the civilians.
The source told Shiawaves that rebels from the Sarari village stood against the enemies until their last breathe, but their ammunition was finished soon. The armed forces could not survive against the continues attacks by the Wahhabi forces, as a result the takfirist forces took the village leading to a series of dishonored acts by the invading army such as killing armless people, women and children, and imprisoning a number of families. The source added that thousands of people escaped the village to neighboring villages, revealing that the attack was based on sectarian issues against Shia people.
The assault lead to the destruction of more than fifty houses, whereas, the Saudi forces aired the video as a Shia holy Shrine.
The international community is calling for immediate aid for the disaster area in order to save the remaining people from being killed by the Wahhabi takfirists army of Saudi Arabia.