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Islam World

Yemeni University Holds Seminar on Quran, Geography

Yemen’s Ibb University held a scholarly seminar on geographical phenomena mentioned in the Quran.




Yemen’s Ibb University held a scholarly seminar on geographical phenomena mentioned in the Quran.

The event was organized by the geography department of the university’s faculty of literature to discuss the geographical issues mentioned in Islam’s Holy Book.

Several scholars and experts in the field of geography and Quranic sciences delivered speeches at the seminar.

In recent years, there has been growing interest in studying Quranic issues via an interdisciplinary approach, and this seminar was also an attempt in this direction.

Ibb University is located in the city of Ebb, the capital of Ibb Governorate, located about 117 km south of the Yemeni capital of Sana’a.

Established in 1996, it is a member of the Association of Arab Universities.

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