Lebanese metropolitan says if people follow the path of Imam Ali they wouldn’t live in deteriorating situation

Lebanese metropolitan , Michael Ubrus, said that Imam Ali, peace be upon him, is a role model for all people till the present day due to the fact that his sayings are like a system for organized and peaceful life.
Metropolitan Ubrus added that during the reign of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, non-Muslims were well treated, including the Christians, as the Imam, peace be upon him, said in one of his sayings ” people are of two kinds: either your brothers in faith or your equals in humanity”, along with other sayings that talk about neighbors, friends, knowledge, generosity, and others that lead to respectful life.
He pointed out that all heinous crimes committed nowadays have nothing to do with the real Islam represented by Ahlul Bait, peace be upon them, because Imam Ali, peace be upon him, before his martyrdom never asked for revenge from his killer.