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Holy Shrines

Imam Hussein shrine organizes scout camp for blind

 Imam Hussein Scouts Association of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine organized a scout camp for the blind in order to develop and enhance their potential skills in the holy city of Karbala, Iraq.


 Imam Hussein Scouts Association of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine organized a scout camp for the blind in order to develop and enhance their potential skills in the holy city of Karbala, Iraq.

A member of the association and director of the camp, Jihad al-Shummary, stated, “The Imam Hussein Scouts Association targeted the blind sector of the community to involve them in a camp to monitor their affairs and develop their potential abilities, in addition to assisting them in effectively dealing with others.”

Thirty blind individuals from both genders participated in the camp.

“The camp lasted for two days, with various activities including competitions, educational seminars and sports activities,” added al-Shammary.



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