Holy Shrines
A Russian women embraces Shia Islam, arranges marriage contract at Imam Ali shrine

Daryah Sear Gevnah, a Russian woman, has converted to Shia Islam and arranged her marriage inside the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali, peace be upon him.
Daryah Sear Gevnah, a Russian woman, has converted to Shia Islam and arranged her marriage inside the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali, peace be upon him.
The Russian convert was received in the Hospitality House where She got her marriage contract with Dr. Ahmed al-Zuhairi arranged.
In a statement to the Media Center of the Holy Shrine, Sayyid Ali al-Shar’ said, “The Religious Affairs Department received the convert and her husband in the Hospitality House. We briefed Islam to her. She announced her Islam and uttered the two shahada (the two testimonies of faith).”
“Dr. Ahmed had a big role in explaining the principles of the Islamic religion to her during his academic stay in Russia,” he added.