Holy Shrines
Secretary-General of Sayyida Zaineb Holy Shrine: Holy shrines combat Islamic extremism

The Secretary-General of Sayyida Zaineb Holy Shrine, MuhsinHarb, said that the holy shrines have a vital role in combating the extreme thought from which the Islamic nation is suffering.
The Secretary-General of Sayyida Zaineb Holy Shrine, MuhsinHarb, said that the holy shrines have a vital role in combating the extreme thought from which the Islamic nation is suffering.
Harb’s statement came on the sidelines of the conference for the Shia Muslim Holy Shrines in Iraq, Syria, and Iran.
This conference is very important for the holy shrines to stay connected with one another, and to develop the strategies of providing the pilgrims with the best services, added Harb.
Sheikh Nebeelal-Helbawi, Secretary-General of Sayyida Ruqaiya Holy Shrine, said “We work to serve all Muslims and the non-Muslims, following the Prophet Mohammed’s and Ahlul-Bayet’s, Peace Be Upon Them, course of life.