Arba’een Pilgrimage in UNESCO

After a series of meetings with officials from the Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Karbala Center for Studies and Researches, belonging to the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, is having the massive Arba’een pilgrimage to Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, registered in UNESCO as the world’s largest peaceful human gathering.
After a series of meetings with officials from the Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Karbala Center for Studies and Researches, belonging to the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, is having the massive Arba’een pilgrimage to Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, registered in UNESCO as the world’s largest peaceful human gathering.
The center organized meetings and workshops to study the pilgrimage and document more details about it. Arba’een marks the fortieth day following the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein, his family and companions. Millions of believers from around the world unite and march to Karbala commemorating the sorrowful tragedy.