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Holy Shrines

Holy Karbala local government holds media conference with presence of Oil and Transportation Ministers

 The governor of the holy city of Karbala, Aqeel al-Turaihi, held a media conference in presence of the Oil and Transportation Ministers to discuss means to a successful Arbaeen pilgrimage.


The governor of the holy city of Karbala, Aqeel al-Turaihi, held a media conference in presence of the Oil and Transportation Ministers to discuss means to a successful Arbaeen pilgrimage.

Al-Turaihi said, that the pilgrimage of Arbaeen requires a wide coordination between all the concerned authorities, and that the Oil and Transportation Ministries have a huge role to provide a number of necessities.

Oil Minister, Jabar Ali, said that the ministry, in coordination with the local government of the holy city of Karbala, has taken proactive measures to provide Arbaeen pilgrimage requirements of oil products.

The minister also added that the ministry has initiated an operation office to provide the Husseini processions with oil products.

On the other hand, the Minister of Transportation, Kadhum Finjan, said that the ministry has provided more than 36 trains and 900 vehicles to transport the pilgrims between the holy city of Karbala and other Iraqi provinces.


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