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Culture & Arts

The al-Haidariyah library presents a rare lithographic copy belonging to Sheikh Mufid

The al-Haidariyah Library contains many rare archaeological books, including manuscripts and ancient lithographs, which are presented from time to the researchers and specialists to see them closely to provide them with the additions, annotations and comments mentioned in these valuable copies.


The al-Haidariyah Library contains many rare archaeological books, including manuscripts and ancient lithographs, which are presented from time to the researchers and specialists to see them closely to provide them with the additions, annotations and comments mentioned in these valuable copies.

“A copy of the ‘Al-Irashad’ (Guidance) book (a lithographic copy) by the Sheikh Al-Akbari al-Baghdadi, known as Sheikh al-Mufid was presented in the library,” the librarian Ali Laftah stated.

He added that, “This distinctive copy includes a very important footnote written by Mr. Ali bin Mawla al-Husseini al-Tabatabai.”


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