In its annual review prepared in cooperation with UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UN Women points out that: “Increases in girls’ enrolment in education are commendable, but nearly 110 million girls and young women could remain out of school by 2030 if progress stalls.”
The report titled “Global gender equality in 2023” published on Thursday, September 7, continues to state that “Gender gaps in education and training opportunities persist, affecting future earning potential and overall development.”
The organization has emphasized that such deprivation from education puts girls at risk of “violence and exploitation”, adding that “education is not a privilege, it is a fundamental right”.
The report also mentions the increase in violence against women, noting that humanitarian crises have increased the risks of violence for vulnerable women and girls.
This report has come out in a time when in Afghanistan the Taliban has imposed extensive restrictions on the professional, educational and social life of women since two years ago.
The extremist Government has banned girls above the sixth grade from going to school and has closed the doors of universities to female students.