After 20 years of its decision, a German court has issued a verdict allowing female Muslim teachers to wear the hijab in public schools.
According to a report published by the Spanish “IBC” newspaper, followed by Shia Waves Agency, “Based on demands from various civil organizations linked to immigration, a Berlin-based court has lifted the ban imposed on the Islamic headscarves, stating that the decision is unconstitutional and discriminatory.”
The newspaper quoted activists as saying that they, “Believe this decision could lead to other similar decisions in seven other German states, where Muslim teachers are not allowed to wear the Islamic hjib in public schools.”
The Spanish newspaper explained that, “The court’s decision came following a verification of the large number of the Muslim students at the Capital’s institutes”, noting that, “Some of these institutes have about 90% Muslim students due to immigration.”
According to the newspaper, the rights activists, who won their fight against the decision, argued that the decision is anti-Islamic hijab and that it promotes anti-Muslim discrimination.