Global meeting underway for reducing dangers of plastic

United Nations Environment Program organized a meeting of the Representatives of 175 countries of the world in Paris, France, with the aim to negotiate ways to reduce the dangers of using plastic.
These negotiations are in their second round of five with the purpose of reaching a legally binding treaty by 2024, which shall be ratified by 2025.
By the time the talks wrap up on Friday, the representatives are expected to come close to agreeing on an approach to reduce the amount of plastic waste piling up in the world’s oceans and ecosystems.
A coalition of 55 countries, including France and other European Union, wants to ban unnecessary plastics, such as disposable cups and containers, and limit the use of substances harmful to humans or the environment in plastic.
The United Nations had warned before these negotiations that plastic pollution is an urgent crisis demanding immediate action.
Environmental activists worry that without binding limits for all countries, the world’s first plastic pollution treaty could face the same obstacles as the 2015 Paris climate change agreement.
According to the UN report, the Paris climate commitments have not been well respected due to their non-binding nature.
According to the UN report, the Paris climate commitments have not been well respected due to their non-binding nature.