For being marred with racist contents, Int’l calls to stop developing “Killer Robots”

With the development of artificial intelligence systems tremendously, in the past few years, and the increase in the capabilities of robots in an unprecedented manner; a new type of “robot” weapon based on artificial intelligence systems has emerged.
However, with countries racing to support their war arms with this type of weapon, international organizations and bodies concerned with human rights have called for the stop of developing these weapons.
In 2021, Human Rights Watch conducted a survey, in cooperation with the United Nations, to express the extent of the global rejection of this type of weapon.
The international organization said: “More than three out of five people who responded to a new online survey in 28 countries oppose the use of weapon systems, known as killer robots.”
The survey was conducted by the market research company “Ipsos”, and 62% of respondents said they oppose the use of lethal autonomous weapons systems, while 21% support such use.
“Public concerns about the automation of the use of force are urging political leaders to act now, and there is an urgent need to protect humanity by starting negotiations now to ban killer robots,” said Mary Wareham, anti-gun campaign director at Human Rights Watch.
On the other hand, the United Nations is reviewing the strategic, legal and ethical implications of lethal autonomous weapons systems.