Amnesty International releases its 2022 report with focus on human rights situation worldwide

Amnesty International has released its 2022 report headlined “The State of the World’s Human Rights” which found that double standards and inadequate responses to human rights abuses taking place around the world, fuelled impunity and instability, including deafening silence on Saudi Arabia’s human rights record and the inaction on Egypt.
The report also highlighted China’s use of strong-arm tactics to suppress international action on crimes against humanity it has committed, as well as the failure of global and regional institutions – hamstrung by the self-interest of their members – to respond adequately to conflicts killing thousands of people including in Ethiopia, Myanmar and Yemen.
“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a chilling example of what can happen when states think they can flout international law and violate human rights without consequences,” said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General.
The report said that the Iranian authorities responded to the unprecedented uprising against decades of repression with unlawful force through live ammunition, metal pellets, tear gas and beatings. Hundreds of people, including dozens of children, were killed.
In Pakistan, the report said that several high-profile murders of women by family members were reported yet parliament failed to adopt legislation on domestic violence that had been pending since 2021.
The Organization’s reported confirmed that Afghanistan witnessed a particularly significant deterioration of women and girls’ rights to personal autonomy, education, work, and access to public spaces, through multiple edicts issued by the Taliban.
The report concluded that extreme weather conditions exacerbated by a rapidly warming planet triggered hunger and disease in several countries in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, including Pakistan and Nigeria where floods had a catastrophic impact on people’s lives and livelihoods and led to an outbreak of waterborne diseases, which killed hundreds.