IraqNEWSReligious Authority
Al-Has’naa Kindergarten holds joyful celebration on blessed birth of Imam al-Mahdi

Al-Has’naa Kindergarten, affiliated to Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development, held a special religious ceremony on the anniversary of the blessed birth of Al-Mahdi, may Allah bring forward his honorable reappearance.
The aim of the ceremony is to educate children on the personality of Imam Al-Mahdi, the spiritual and moral effect he has on us and his relations with Allah Al-Mighty.
Other activities and competitions were organized during this blessed celebration to encourage children to attend similar activities related to AhlulBayet’s occasions, peace be upon them.
It is worth mentioning that such activities are based on directives and recommendations of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi.