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Calls for just after Muslim man dies in police custody in Hyderabad, India

In a tragic incident, a Muslim man was arrested and mistakenly killed due to brutal custodial torture in Hyderabad.

The incident has sparked outrage and raised questions about police brutality and accountability.

According to reports, 35-year-old Amanullah Khan was arrested on suspicion of involvement in a robbery.

However, his family claims that he was innocent and was falsely accused. They allege that the police tortured him in custody, which led to his death.

The family of the deceased has accused the police of brutality and demanded justice. They claim that Khan was subjected to severe physical and mental torture, which resulted in his death.

They also allege that the police did not inform them about his arrest and only revealed his death to them after two days.

The Incident has drawn widespread condemnation from human rights activists and organizations.

Many are calling for a thorough investigation into the matter and for those responsible to be held accountable.

The police have ordered an inquiry into the incident and have suspended the officers involved in the arrest. The state government has also announced compensation for the family of the deceased.

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