
Taliban official flogs Afghan female students at Badakhshan University for not wearing burqa

Female students at the University of Badakhshan, northeastern Afghanistan, were subjected to a horrific attack by an official of the Taliban terrorist movement, to prevent them from entering the university campus, despite wearing Islamic dress.

Civilian activists widely shared a video clip monitored by Shia Waves Agency, in which a Taliban member in military uniform appears whipping university students.

The attack caused pain to the female university students, who were trying to enter the Badakhshan University campus, when after the a man assaulted them with harsh flogging, for not wearing a “face burqa”, despite wearing the Islamic hijab and modest dress.

According to the British newspaper (Daily Mail), “the aggressor is an official in the Ministry of Virtue of the terrorist movement in power in Afghanistan.”

The newspaper quoted the battered students as confirming that they were “beaten and assaulted by the official in the terrorist movement, and they were dispersed by force to get them out of the university.”

Afghan girls and women are exposed to similar incidents by the terrorist movement, which treats the Muslim community according to its extremist interpretation of the tolerant Sharia.

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