250 Shias martyred and wounded in suicide attack on Shia mosque in Pakistan

250 Shia worshipers were martyred and wounded in the suicide attack targeting the Shia Kucha Risaldar Mosque in the city of Peshawar, northwest Pakistan, on Friday.
A spokesman for the “Lady Reading” Hospital in Peshawar, Muhammad Asim Khan, said that “the attack has so far resulted in the death of 56 people and the injury of 194 others, including 50 in critical condition.”
Previously, Peshawar Police Chief Muhammad Ijaz Khan explained that the violence began when two armed attackers opened fire on police outside the mosque in Peshawar’s old city.
The local police official, Waheed Khan, said that “the explosion occurred while worshipers were gathering in the mosque for Friday prayers,” adding that “the number of dead will likely rise because many of the wounded are in critical condition.”
Ambulances rushed through the crowded narrow streets and took the wounded to Lady Reading Hospital, where doctors worked hard to rescue the injured.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the blast, but ISIS terrorist organization and the Pakistani Taliban militant group had previously carried out similar attacks in the area near the border with neighboring Afghanistan.