Human rights report: More than 29,000 children were killed in Syria

A human rights report documented violations against children in Syria from March 2011 to November 2021, pointing out that more than 29,000 children have been killed during the ongoing Syrian conflict so far.
While many countries celebrate International Children’s Day on November 20, there are more than one million Syrian children in northern Syria who are living a major human tragedy as a result of the war, more than half of them live in displacement camps. They are deprived of education and many other basic services.
On November 20, 1989, the United Nations agreed to include the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which obligates signatory states to respect the rights of children, meet their needs and protect their interests within international law. This is after 193 countries signed it, including Syria.
25 years after the adoption of this convention that defines all children’s rights, the lives of children in Syria do not look very good. They were divided between dead, wounded, detained, displaced, uneducated, and refugees.