“Mobile celebration” tours the streets of Karbala on blessed birth anniversaries of Sha’ban

A group of young believers in the holy city of Karbala commemorated the birth anniversaries of the Imams in the holy month of Sha’ban in their own way, as they toured their mobile platform in the alleys and neighborhoods of the city with joy and rejoice.
The believers, followers of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, held their celebration in honor of the pure Imams, peace be upon them.
The organizers said in an interview with Shia Waves, “The idea of the celebration was to make a mobile platform decorated with flowers that will tour the holy city to share the joyous atmospheres of the blessed occasions.”
The mobile celebration witnessed the chanting of poems by a number of Husseini chanters, as roses and sweets were distributed to the lovers of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them.
They explained that “the celebration held is based on the love of the young believers for their pure Imams, peace be upon them.”