A recent Denmark law to limit foreign donations to mosques has aroused discontent with Muslims in the country, amid fears of a mentality of marginalization and prohibitions dominating policies relating to immigrants and foreigners.
The Danish Islamic Society criticized the law that limits foreign donations and contributions received by civil society organizations, mosques and religious groups operating in the country by 10,000 krones a year (about 1,600 dollars).
The head of the Society, Mustafa Engikli, said that the law restricting external financial support for mosques saddened them.
He pointed out that the new law placed all mosques under suspicion, and stressed that mosques must cover their costs and expenses in order to be able to carry out their work.
“How will these mosques cover their expenses and should people not perform their rituals?” Engikli added.
According to the law approved by Parliament on March 9, the Danish Ministry of Immigration will place a number of foreign government figures, organizations and institutions on the “ban list”, which Copenhagen classifies as a “source of danger to the values of democracy” in the country.
The law stipulates a ceiling for transfers of no more than 10,000 Danish krones during the year to those on the “ban list” if they wish to donate to any civil society organization or group of a religious nature (including mosques), in Denmark.