The British Lancashire Telegraph newspaper said that hospitals in Lancashire Province received donations of portable Quran players to provide psychological relief to Muslim patients.
The newspaper added that the digital Qurans were donated to five hospitals in East Lancashire. They are in the form of MP3 players pre-loaded with Islamic prayers and Quran recitations.
Imam Fazal Hassan, Muslim Chaplaincy Coordinator, said, “We were delighted to receive these donations, which go a long way to provide the emotional support and spiritual healing for our Muslim inpatients.
“Having prayers and Quran recitation played next to their beds, particularly for end of life patients during the pandemic, who are too weak to pray for themselves, can make a big difference.”
Jude Harrison, Ward Manager of Reedyford Ward at Pendle Community Hospital said, “I would like to express how comforting our patients find the digital Qurans during these unprecedented circumstances. Thanks to all involved in the project.”