Nonviolence organization calls for addressing the causes of persistent forms of slavery around the world

On the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, the International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, called to address the causes of the persistence of forms of slavery around the world.
The organization stated in a statement, “As the international community commemorates the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery on December 2, human rights data show that there are more than thirty million people around the world suffering from some form of slavery.”
The organization declared that it is hoping that international efforts will contribute to reducing this horrible phenomenon, noting the need to diagnose and address the causes of the persistence of forms of slavery around the world.
It emphasized, “Millions of individuals are subject to faces of slavery, as is the case with those who suffer from tyranny and oppression of the authorities in dictatorial countries, or forced conscription and plunging into battles and wars in conflict areas in Africa and other countries, in addition to other acts of mockery and coercion.”
The organization added, “Children and women are prone to slavery in its various forms, such as forced labor, rape and the denial of public freedom, and despite international laws criminalizing the phenomenon of slavery and prohibiting them internationally, the weaknesses in some areas that impede law enforcement are considered.