More than 11000 people killed by violence in Iraq in 2015
December 24, 2015
374 1 minute read
more than 11 thousand Iraqis mostly civilians were killed and about 18 thousand wounded
UN reports revealed that more than 11 thousand Iraqis, mostly civilians, were killed and about 18 thousand wounded, in the fighting that took place in the majority of Iraqi cities during 2015.
According to monthly official statistics issued by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), a total of 11,118 Iraqis were killed and 18,419 were injured in bombings and acts of different violence occurred mostly in the capital Baghdad, northern and western provinces, adopted by ISIS takfiri groups.
February, May, June and August of 2015 have recorded more than half of the dead and wounded, the total stood around 6300 dead and 9600 injured mostly due to car bombings,IED explosions and suicide bomb attacks, according to the UN data.