FreeMuslim calls for addressing misrepresentation of Islam on International to Combat Islamophobia

Coinciding with the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, the FreeMuslim Association—an international non-violence organization—sent a message to leaders and heads of Islamic states, urging them to take measures to address the misrepresentation of Islam and Muslims. The organization called for strengthening laws and initiatives that reflect the true message of Islam, which is based on tolerance and love.
The message, a copy of which was received by the Shia Waves Agency, emphasized that Islam, despite its documented teachings in the Holy Quran, the Prophetic Sunnah, and the guidance of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, remains a religion that came to complete divine messages and spread peace and love among all people without discrimination. However, certain crimes and violations committed throughout history have contributed to distorting its image among some non-Muslim societies.
The organization stressed that the actions of ignorant and extremist individuals have reinforced false stereotypes about Islam, leading to the rise of Islamophobia. It described this phenomenon as a painful issue that requires a fundamental solution from Islamic governments through awareness campaigns and legislative steps to correct misconceptions about Islam and its followers.
The organization also noted that the United Nations designated March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, recognizing the severity of the issue and the importance of addressing it through global initiatives that promote interfaith and intercultural understanding.
In this context, the FreeMuslim Association reaffirmed that Islam is a religion of mercy, tolerance, and altruism. Its teachings clearly advocate for rejecting violence and fostering values of fraternity and peace, urging efforts to highlight these values in international forums and to eliminate the misconceptions that have been associated with Islam due to historical misinterpretations.