Grand Ayatollah ShiraziNEWS

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi: Guiding and educating the youth is a responsibility for all

The Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, emphasized the necessity for believers, both men and women, to shoulder the significant responsibility towards the youth in the current era, across all levels and through all available means.

The Supreme Marja’s remarks were published on the official website of his office on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Ali al-Akbar, the son of Imam al-Hussein, peace be upon them, on the 11th of the blessed month of Sha’ban.

His Eminence stated: “We are all responsible for the upbringing and intellectual nurturing of the youth. It is our duty to pave the way for their development and progress in the best possible manner, so that they may follow the path of the Prophet of Islam and his pure progeny (peace be upon them all), and do not deviate from the right path.”

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi has consistently emphasized the importance of collective efforts among all segments of society to spread faith-based values among the youth, in the face of deviant ideologies. He repeatedly warned against negligence in this crucial task, stressing that it poses a threat to the religious and moral identity of the youth.

These directives are part of a series of educational guidelines issued by His Eminence, aimed at building cohesive families based on mutual love and respect, and fostering values of goodness in the younger generations.

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