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4,100-year-old tomb of Egyptian physician unearthed in Saqqara

Archaeologists have discovered the 4,100-year-old tomb of Tetinebefou, a prominent Egyptian physician, in Saqqara, Egypt, local news reports said on Wednesday.

The physician, who reportedly treated the pharaoh, held rare titles including “conjurer of the goddess Serqet” and “director of medicinal plants,” reflecting his expertise in treating poisonous bites and managing medicinal resources.

Tetinebefou was also recognized as “chief dentist,” a title scarcely recorded in ancient Egyptian history. The discovery sheds light on the advanced medical practices of the era.

The tomb’s vibrant wall paintings, featuring geometric patterns and depictions of containers, have remained remarkably well-preserved over millennia. Experts believe the burial dates back to the reign of Pepi II or shortly thereafter, a period marked by political change in Egypt.

While the tomb was plundered long ago and no human remains were found, ongoing analysis of the site offers valuable insights into ancient Egypt’s medical history.

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