The Pakistani capital, Islamabad, hosted the annual “Seal of the Prophets” conference, coinciding with the blessed birth occasion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his pure family.
Approximately 400 religious scholars, mosque imams, and Friday prayer leaders from various parts of the country participated in this annual event.
The conference focused on the role of scholars in leading religious and social reform based on the teachings of the Holy Prophet’s biography and the Holy Quran. The attendees emphasized the importance of promoting Islamic unity to address current challenges.
During the conference, participants highlighted the critical role of religious scholars in guiding the nation towards reform and renewal in light of Islamic values pointing out that the Prophet’s biography serves as a comprehensive guide for social, economic, and political reform, calling for the application of this blessed biography to tackle contemporary challenges facing the Muslim Ummah.
Sheikh Hadi Hussein Nasiri, the general supervisor of the “Shura of Ja’fari Scholars” in Pakistan, expressed the solidarity of Pakistani scholars with the Lebanese people, who are facing aggression that threatens the security and stability of the region.